Best European Roulette Guide 2023
European roulette is one of the most widely played versions of roulette, even in casino games. Playing European roulette online is a great way to earn some significant winnings and have some fun with players worldwide.
In this article, we will take you through the game’s nitty-gritty and how it is played. We also have a great list of recommendations for online casinos that offer European roulette.
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- Sportsbook section is extensive
Best European Roulette Sites
We know it can be overwhelming and difficult to research site after site in the hopes of finding the best online casinos to play roulette online, which is why we made it infinitely easier for you. We did all the heavy lifting for you and compiled a list of some of the best European online roulette casino sites.

Basic European Roulette Rules
Have you always wanted to play online European roulette but are confused about the rules? If you keep confusing American and European roulette, the following section will help you brush up your knowledge of the latter.
We will break down the different European roulette rules for you in the upcoming paragraphs. From betting systems to the basic differences between European and American game of roulette, we will cover all the major points. So read on to find out how online European roulette table works.
Types of European Roulette Bets
It is important to know the betting systems really well in a roulette game. This includes the betting layout of the roulette game, the types of betting allowed, and the maximum and minimum bets. In the European version of the roulette game, there are different types of bets that you can place during the game.
So if you want to play and win European roulette, you need to know about your betting options. Below we have explained some of the most popular types of bet that you can commonly find at an European roulette table
All About Inside Bets
If you play roulette quite frequently, you must be familiar with the concept of inside and outside bets. The first kind, are bets that are placed on very specific numbers.
So for example, as a roulette player placing an inside bet, you can bet on 17 Black. This gives you 35:1 odds, which means that you only win this round of betting if the ball lands on 17 Black specifically.
These bets are often very risky and are mostly played by those with a greater appetite for risk. Therefore, it would be best only to play these when you bonus funds to spend. In the following paragraphs, we will take a look at some common types of such bets.
What is the Single Bet?
A single bet is also known as ‘straight up’ in the world of roulette, and it is when you bet on a single number or a group of single numbers. This is one of the most popular ways to place an inside bet, and the odds for these are 35:1.
This is obviously a very risky bet at the roulette table but is also one of the most profitable bets you can hope to win. You can play this if you have some bonus funds.
In a roulette wheel used for the American version, you have 38 sections instead of 37 so the house edge is even higher. If you are playing online roulette and do not want to lose a lot of real money, then you should steer clear of this bet.
How to Benefit from the Split Bet
The split bet is the next most popular form of inside bet that we notice. In this bet, you split your wager into two numbers that are next to each other on the betting table, either horizontally or vertically. The odds for this bet are 17:1, and you are essentially hoping that the metal ball finds either one of the two numbers you have bet on.
The odds on this type of bet is much better than the single number bet, but it is still considered a risky move, unless you decide to place multiple split bets in small denominations across the betting table. That increases your chances of winning.
Street Bet – All You Have to Know
If you look the arrangement of the numbers on the betting section of the roulette table, you will notice that the numbers are arranged in trios such as 1,2,3/4,5,6 etc. When you place a bet on such three numbers, which are three consecutive numbers in a row, that is called a street bet in European roulette.

Placing such a bet essentially means choosing three straight numbers that you feel have a chance of earning you winnings. The payout ratio for this bet is 11:1, which is definitely a less riskier ratio than the bets mentioned above. So if you are new to the roulette wheel and don’t have bonus funds, this inside bet could be a good place to start.
The Infamous Corner Bet
This bet is one of the most common winning bets in the inside bet category. That is perhaps because it has the best odds among all other bets of this kind. You can place a bet on four numbers in a quadrangle by setting the chip at the intersection of the four numbers or the corner of one of the numbers.
The corner bet has a payout ration of 8:1. This bet is also known as the Quad Bet or the Square bet. This is popular inside bet to play in the European roulette, especially for those who like to play safer that single or split number bets and still want larger winnings.
All About Outside Bets
Outside bets are the second kind of betting option you will have in European roulette, and it is by far the most common category of bets placed at the roulette wheel. In fact, when you start playing and you are just finding out about different bets, we highly recommend using outside betting in your game.

It originates from the French roulette and signifies bets which are placed on multiple different numbers and category of numbers. These bets have significantly better odds in roulette games than the kind of bets we have spoken about in the above section. However, the winnings are modest and definitely lower than games where you place and win bets on specific numbers.
If you play online roulette games and want to increase your odds by bringing the house edge down, we highly recommend outside betting for you. In the following paragraphs, we will explain the different kinds of outside bets and how you can place them in an online casino.
Place Column Bets
The column bet, also known as a line bet, carves the wheel into thirds, and help you place a bet on any one of the thirds. So while playing online roulette, you can essentially bet on one whole column, and then your payout ratio would be 2:1. This means that the risk is much lesser than the previous bets we mentioned, but the payout is much less than if you win an inside bet.
However, people who play over a long time and have a low appetite for risk love placing column bets . Remember, because of the 0 pocket, the European roulette still gives the house an edge of 2.6%, in a column bet. But it is quite a good bet to place still.
Dozen Bets are for Beginners
If you notice layout of the roulette betting table, you will notice the writings “1st 12, 2nd 12 and 3rd 12”. These writings correspond to blocks, each consisting a dozen numbers that you can bet on at one go. So if you place your bets on any of these, it will be known as a dozen bet. It is a very popular type of outside bet and has the same payout ratio as the column bets.
The only difference is the combination of numbers you can pick, since they split the table into different categories. Unfortunately, the smaller payouts are a consistent feature of outside bets, so expect the payouts to be not as much in dozen bets.
Odd & Even Bets in a Nutshell
When you play European roulette, you find a roulette wheel marked with the numbers 1-36. Out of them, there are 18 odd numbers and 18 even numbers on the board. You will find the marks “odd” and “even” on the betting section.
An odd or even bet lets you bet on the possibility of the winning number being an even number or and odd number. Just because this particular bet has a very high odds of the player winning, the payout ratio for this is 1:1, which is not very high.
You will essentially not lose money you are betting on odd or even, since you end up winning in most cases. However, you will also not make much profit from this outside bet. Even money outside bets can be placed on such odd or even numbers.
Red & Black Bets
The roulette ball can land on any number on the roulette wheel, but it will either be red or black. Just like you can bet on whether the number will be even or odd, you can also bet on whether the winning number will be red or black.
Both black and red numbers have the same payout for this bet, which is 1:1. Each numbered slot is alternatively coloured red or black so you have high odds of it being the colour you have picked. If you are on a losing streak from inside bets, you can try placing bets on the colour and that will help switch up your game play and play responsibly.
European Roulette vs. American Roulette
Now that you have a lot of knowledge about the different kind of bets you can place in European roulette and how the game works, you must be eager to play the next spin. However, before you proceeded, let’s take a closer look at how the European version of the game differs from American one.
In American roulette wheel, the roulette wheel has 38 pockets. While the European wheel only has a single zero, the American wheel has a section with double zero, increasing the house edge for American roulette. When the ball rests on the green pocket in the double zero, it has the same consequences as the single zero.
The bets offer in American system are pretty similar to the European one, but the house advantage in the latter is significantly highly, which is why more bets are placed on European tables at table games where both versions of the roulette game are being offered.
If you get bonus spins, always play them at the European table. If your original bet didn’t win and the ball find itself to the zero pocket, you get a second chance in European roulette, which you do not in the American version.
We highly recommend European roulette if you are playing with real money and not just enjoying wheel spins for free as bonus spins. It provides better returns for your real money cash funds and will ensure that you can maintain your cash funds for a longer period over the game.
Short Summary
In this piece, we helped you develop a richer understanding of the roulette game, especially the European version. With the list of casino options that we have recommended on our website, you can play casino games on your mobile phone and enjoy the ultimate online roulette experience. You also stand a chance at earning major winnings at a European game of roulette.
If you enjoy playing at an online casino, you will enjoy the game at our recommended casino sites, which have some of the best offers for players. Not just the roulette game, you can also play a variety of other games and enjoy multiple bonus spins and online slots at these casinos. We wish you a fun filled gameplay!
Last Updated on: 16/12/2022 ago by Shyla Anand
Presented in this article is best European Roulette guide in 2023 along with the great list of recommendations where to play the game. If you are interested in trying this guide, register with any of our recommended casino sites and start winning on European Roulette.